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Biografía: Artist/ painter Mark Cohen graduated from the university of Maastricht (The Netherlands) in 1999 and subsequently received several grants from the Fonds voor BKVB in Amsterdam. Since then he has exhibited in various galleries and at various art fairs both at home and abroad. For instance: Galería Alejandro Sales, Galería Antonia Puyó, Galería Magda Bellotti and ARCO in Spain but also at Galerie Dis, Galerie 59 and Galerie Ruimte morguen in the Netherlands and Belgium. His work is represented in various art collections such as the Dutch National Bank, the May and Samuel Rudin Family Foundation in New York and the museum of contemporary Art (IAACC) in Zaragoza, Spain.
Inglés hablante: Si
Sitio web: https://www.blackspacecontemporary.com/
Fecha de Participación: 26 Abr 2023