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Abd-ar-Rahman ibn Hisham

Abd-ar-Rahman ibn Hisham
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1910 Antonio Iglesias Fernadez, All rights reserved.

Antonio Iglesias Fernadez
Speaks English

"Abd-ar-Rahmán ibn Hisham"

Abd-ar-Rahman ibn Hisham

Original work, Pastel on Canvas, Unique piece

Price: 25,000 €

Summary of the original work

Pastel on Canvas
Sizes: 69 cm wide x 79 cm high.
Year: 1910
Sold with frame
Ready to hang

Abd-ar-Rahman ibn Hisham, sultan of Morocco, leaving his palace in Mekinez, surrounded by his guard and his chief officers.

In 1845, Delacroix exhibits in the Salon this great historical canvas, the most monumental work he has done on the Moroccan theme. Nearly fifteen years after the events, the scene evokes an audience attended by the painter on March 22 of 1832, during his trip to Morocco in the company of Charles de Mornay, sent by Louis-Philippe on a diplomatic mission. But the failure of the mission could have made him change his mind: in this painting executed late, the painter was content to represent the Sultan in all its splendor. Several sketches and sheets of notebooks by Delacroix must be related to this work. It should be noted that more than a picturesque illustration of a ceremony full of colors, what Delacroix presents here is a monumental portrait.

Original work

One of a kind Artwork

Shipping & policies

  • Item location: Spain
  • Worldwide shipping
  • Normally shipped 3-5 days since actual payment.

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    Published in Artenet since: January 17, 2019
    Last updated: January 17, 2019

    • Details of the original work

      Pastel Painting on Canvas
      Sizes: 69 cm x 79 cm.
      Year Created: 1910
      Sold with frame
      Ready to hang

      Style / Topic

      Style: Realism
      • Architecture
      • Cities


      Abd-ar-Rahman ibn Hisham, sultan of Morocco, leaving his palace in Mekinez, surrounded by his guard and his chief officers.

      In 1845, Delacroix exhibits in the Salon this great historical canvas, the most monumental work he has done on the Moroccan theme. Nearly fifteen years after the events, the scene evokes an audience attended by the painter on March 22 of 1832, during his trip to Morocco in the company of Charles de Mornay, sent by Louis-Philippe on a diplomatic mission. But the failure of the mission could have made him change his mind: in this painting executed late, the painter was content to represent the Sultan in all its splendor. Several sketches and sheets of notebooks by Delacroix must be related to this work. It should be noted that more than a picturesque illustration of a ceremony full of colors, what Delacroix presents here is a monumental portrait.


    • Shipping:

      Item location: Spain
      Postage to: Worldwide
      Shipping costs World:Contact artist

      Dispatch time:

      Normally shipped 3-5 days since actual payment.
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    Artist: Antonio Iglesias Fernadez
    Abd-ar-Rahman ibn Hisham
     Buy "Abd-ar-Rahmán ibn Hisham"
    Price: 25,000 EUR

    If you are interested or want more information about this work, get in touch with "Antonio Iglesias Fernadez" (Artenet will receive a copy of the message).

    Abd-ar-Rahman ibn Hisham
    Make an offer to Antonio Iglesias Fernadez for Abd-ar-Rahmán ibn Hisham
    Original price: € 25,000 or Best Offer


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    Shipment details

    Item location: Spain
    Postage to: Worldwide

    Dispatch time:

    Normally shipped 3-5 days since actual payment.

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